Mr. Kang Xiangui

ICT, 专家智库/ThinkTanks


康显桂,中山大学计算机学院教授、博士导师,广东省信息安全技术重点实验室副主任。先后毕业于北京大学、中山大学,并取得学士、博士学位。主要研究方向是多媒体信号处理、信息取证以及信息隐藏、深度学习与模式识别等。主持各类科研项目30多项,其中包括主持国家自然科学基金面上以上项目6项、国家重点研发计划项目子课题2项和广东省自然科学基金重点项目1项。在本领域国内外重要刊物以第一作者/通讯作者共发表论著80多篇(章),其中包括计算机学科A类期刊论文23篇。研究成果三次获得本领域重要国际会议 International
Workshop on Digital-Forensics and Watermarking(IWDW)2008年、2013年和2018年最佳论文奖,国家教育部提名国家科学技术奖自然科学一等奖,广东省优秀博士论文奖等国际国内多项奖励。学术兼职包括:亚太国家/地区信号与信息处理协会(APSIPA)多媒体信息取证与安全技术委员会(MSFTC)主席、IEEE信息取证与安全技术委员会委员等。国际著名期刊“Ieee signal processing letters”和“Signal Processing: Image Communication”的编委。2020年起连续多年入榜“中国高被引学者”。担任国家自然科学基金委、香港研究资助局评审专家和国家重点研发计划等项目会评专家。

Mr. Kang Xiangui is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Computer Science, Sun Yat-sen University, and the deputy director of the Key Laboratory of Information Security Technology of Guangdong Province.He graduated from Peking University and Sun Yat-sen University successively, and obtained his bachelor’s and doctoral degrees.His main research interests include multimedia signal processing, information forensics and information hiding, deep learning and pattern recognition.He has presided over more than 30 research projects, including 6 projects above the surface level of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2 sub-projects of the National Key Research and Development Program of China, and 1 key project of the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province.He has published more than 80 articles (chapters) as the first author/corresponding author in important domestic and international journals in this field, including 23 papers in Class A journals in computer science.His research results have been recognized by the International Workshop on Digital-Forensics (IWDF) three times.
Workshop on Digital-Forensics and Watermarking (IWDW) Best Paper Award in 2008, 2013 and 2018, the First Prize in Natural Science of National Science and Technology Award nominated by the Ministry of Education of China, and the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award of Guangdong Province, and many other awards both internationally and domestically.He is the chairman of Multimedia Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee (MSFTC) of Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA), and a member of IEEE Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee (IFSTC).He is also a member of the editorial board of “Ieee signal processing letters” and “Signal Processing: Image Communication”, and has been on the list of “China’s Highly Cited Scholars” for many years since 2020.He has been listed as “China’s Highly Cited Scholars” for many years since 2020.He has served as an evaluation expert for the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, and the National Key Research and Development Program of the People’s Republic of China.

