WangDou’s Reflections

  1. I thought the blockchain in 2017 was the best opportunity we could encounter in this group of ordinary people, but it turns out that the GPT in 2023 is the revolution at the root, because the blockchain in 2017 did not move the information itself, but only added such a value carrier as Token. The GPT now changes the way the information itself is generated, and even the way the value is generated, which is indeed very scary.
  2. I am now using the excitement of playing marbles for the first time in my crotch pants to open the GPT webpage and open my endless imagination and creativity!
  3. The biggest difference between this AI revolution and the blockchain revolution is that you need to really try, really interact with AI, really master the skills of controlling AI, and chanting mantras (prompts) like a dragon taming boy. Back in the days of the blockchain revolution, all you had to do was take some spare money to a casino and bet on it, and you could get ten or a hundred times more if you were lucky. There are a lot of “scientists” can even get a lot of casino vouchers and jack all kinds of wool (now still in WEB3 constantly staged)
  4. friends engaged in technology is also rapidly divided into two factions, the AI faction and the declining faction, because the technology that does not combine with AI will certainly go into decline.
  5. This AI revolution is the historical moment that really liberates the imagination and creativity of every ordinary person.
  6. Limit your wealth how much only your imagination and creativity.
  7. The only thing that limits the speed of your wealth growth is your execution and persistence.
  8. Wealth is redefined, recreated and redistributed by AI.
  9. All wealth (value) will be directly and indirectly related to AI.
  10. Immediately adjust the education strategy for the next generation, so that they can become the next generation of super dragon tamers as much as possible!

Exclusive summary: the seventh batch of manufacturing single champion list


为贯彻落实《关于加快培育发展制造业优质企业的指导意见》(工信部联政法〔2021〕70号),根据《工业和信息化部办共厅 中国工业经济联合会关于开展2022年制造业单项冠军企业(产品)培育遴选和复核评价工作的通知》(工信部联政法函〔2022〕47号),工业和信息化部、中国工业经济联合会组织开展了第七批制造业单项冠军企业(产品)培育遴选和第一批、第四批制造业单项冠军企业(产品)复核工作。




Hook Up on Tinder

Since dating can be stressful, there is the possibility of humor to try to reduce tensions. In a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Rosenfeld found that heterosexual couples are more likely to meet a romantic partner online than through personal contacts and connections. Since 1940, traditional ways of meeting partners – through family, in church and in the neighborhood – have all been in decline, Rosenfeld said. The company has said that this app is single, progressive and specially designed for the Gen Z market.

So it’s taken that pressure off, this has to be a friendship interaction, and this has to be a romantic interaction. The platforms highlighted below are legal, so you don’t have to worry about getting scammed. is a dating site that caters to singles 50 years and older. Registration is free, and you can view profiles of singles in your area. The app is easy to use, and you can connect with local singles that interest you. Starting a conversation here is very easy because your potential matches are meant to comment on a specific piece of information on your profile.

They are oriented on varied countries and on the varied nationalities. There hookupguru the sites with the diverse prices and the diverse functionalities. You will need a premium membership to use the site’s full potential. For example, messaging people as a free member lets you only use the message feature to send site-generated icebreakers, while Standard members can only send winks and add folks to their favorites.

  • is another popular platform, however it’s not built around dating.
  • Research from Berkeley University in California suggests there is a dropoff in interest after online daters meet face-to-face.
  • This may have something to do with most of its features being free.
  • Three-in-ten U.S. adults say they have ever used a dating site or app, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted July 5-17, 2022.
  • A line of research initiated in recent years links dark personality traits to the reasons for using Tinder.

So until then, I’m delighted and would like to say thank you towards the present software for providing usa together. I got most positive and negative experiences previously, and many consumers actually shattered the emotions.

How to use dating apps like a pro

The date can be online or physical, with the latter costing the paying party any expenses incurred during the meet-up. If the date is to take place in a venue that requires an entry fee, your partner should pay for that too. As to how much you get to take home, the going rate averages $80 to $100 per date. Also, as an attractive member, you have an option to negotiate the bid if you feel the amount is too. After submitting your request, you’ll receive a confirmation email giving you access to the site. This is an adult dating website where bids are placed to win a date.

The Dangers of Dating App Meet-Ups

Reverting to characteristics of traditional sexual scripts, women may find themselves further entrenched in unwanted gender roles. Feminist Gail Dines has opined that pornography is “a cultural force that is shaping the sexual attitudes of an entire generation” and a “major form of sex ed today for boys.”

Most importantly, you get to set the budget for the entire date. What this means is that you get to keep the full-price amount. Finally, you don’t have to disclose your personal identity if you are not comfortable with a bidder. For the chance to get paid to date a millionaire or just the average Joe, you pay a subscription fee of $59.99 for 30 days.

Basically, you’re given a random profile with the option to either “like” them or “X” cross them out – sort of like Tinder’s swipe feature. Most of the members on SearchingforSingles are from the US, but you can still find users worldwide! Plus, there are also more women than men on this hookup site, if that’s what you’re after. Tinder has been called the harbinger of the hookup-fueled “dating apocalypse.” But the truth of the matter is, hooking up isn’t anything new . And as for Tinder, sure, it can be used for swiftly finding a one-night stand, but there are plenty of other apps that are better suited for that task. You don’t have to travel thousands of miles away to meet your date when you find the perfect match – as Tinder lets you only access singles near your location.

Hook Up on Tinder

Since dating can be stressful, there is the possibility of humor to try to reduce tensions. In a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Rosenfeld found that heterosexual couples are more likely to meet a romantic partner online than through personal contacts and connections. Since 1940, traditional ways of meeting partners – through family, in church and in the neighborhood – have all been in decline, Rosenfeld said. The company has said that this app is single, progressive and specially designed for the Gen Z market.

So it’s taken that pressure off, this has to be a friendship interaction, and this has to be a romantic interaction. The platforms highlighted below are legal, so you don’t have to worry about getting scammed. is a dating site that caters to singles 50 years and older. Registration is free, and you can view profiles of singles in your area. The app is easy to use, and you can connect with local singles that interest you. Starting a conversation here is very easy because your potential matches are meant to comment on a specific piece of information on your profile.

They are oriented on varied countries and on the varied nationalities. There hookupguru the sites with the diverse prices and the diverse functionalities. You will need a premium membership to use the site’s full potential. For example, messaging people as a free member lets you only use the message feature to send site-generated icebreakers, while Standard members can only send winks and add folks to their favorites.

  • is another popular platform, however it’s not built around dating.
  • Research from Berkeley University in California suggests there is a dropoff in interest after online daters meet face-to-face.
  • This may have something to do with most of its features being free.
  • Three-in-ten U.S. adults say they have ever used a dating site or app, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted July 5-17, 2022.
  • A line of research initiated in recent years links dark personality traits to the reasons for using Tinder.

So until then, I’m delighted and would like to say thank you towards the present software for providing usa together. I got most positive and negative experiences previously, and many consumers actually shattered the emotions.

How to use dating apps like a pro

The date can be online or physical, with the latter costing the paying party any expenses incurred during the meet-up. If the date is to take place in a venue that requires an entry fee, your partner should pay for that too. As to how much you get to take home, the going rate averages $80 to $100 per date. A樂威壯
lso, as an attractive member, you have an option to negotiate the bid if you feel the amount is too. After submitting your request, you’ll receive a confirmation email giving you access to the site. This is an adult dating website where bids are placed to win a date.

The Dangers of Dating App Meet-Ups

Reverting to characteristics of traditional sexual scripts, women may find themselves further entrenched in unwanted gender roles. Feminist Gail Dines has opined that pornography is “a cultural force that is shaping the sexual attitudes of an entire generation” and a “major form of sex ed today for boys.”

Most importantly, you get to set the budget for the entire date. What this means is that you get to keep the full-price amount. Finally, you don’t have to disclose your personal identity if you are not comfortable with a bidder. For the chance to get paid to date a millionaire or just the average Joe, you pay a subscription fee of $59.99 for 30 days.

Basically, you’re given a random profile with the option to either “like” them or “X” cross them out – sort of like Tinder’s swipe feature. Most of the members on SearchingforSingles are from the US, but you can still find users worldwide! Plus, there are also more women than men on this hookup site, if that’s what you’re after. Tinder has been called the harbinger of the hookup-fueled “dating apocalypse.” But the truth of the matter is, hooking up isn’t anything new . And as for Tinder, sure, it can be used for swiftly finding a one-night stand, but there are plenty of other apps that are better suited for that task. You don’t have to travel thousands of miles away to meet your date when you find the perfect match – as Tinder lets you only access singles near your location.











人工智能和大数据技术被认为正在成为当今科学发现的新范式。AlphaFold2在2021年横空出世,点燃AI for Science热潮。AI技术一举将蛋白质3D结构预测的精度从60%提升到90%以上,也入选了《science》杂志评选的2021年度最重要的科学突破之一。但人工智能是否真的无所不能?国际著名结构生物学家颜宁的报告另辟蹊径,通过阐释AI在结构生物学中的未达之地,为人们理解AI for Science提供了全新的视角。




本次论坛新增“校长圆桌”。围绕如何“引导、支持从事基础研究的青年教师甘坐冷板凳、探索长周期重大科学问题”等议题,南方科技大学校长薛其坤、 东方理工高等研究院院长陈十一、哈尔滨工业大学校长韩杰才 、上海科技大学党委书记李儒新、大湾区大学(筹)负责人田刚、厦门大学校长张宗益共同探讨中国高校上下求索之道。








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从 BIAN 银行技术框架中学到了什么

原创 大强 大强旅行分享

本文从业务人员便于理解的角度来介绍 BIAN,与 BIAN 官方对其体系的解释有一定出入,仅供参考。


开放银行 Open Banking 是一个金融服务术语,作为金融技术的一部分,指的是[1] :

  • 使用开放的 API,使第三方开发者能够围绕金融机构建立应用程序和服务;
  • 从公共数据到私人数据,为账户持有人提供更大的金融透明度选择;
  • 使用开源技术来实现上述威而鋼 目标;

开放银行正在全球范围内发展,许多国家都在研究如何通过 Open API 共享和管理金融数据。[2] 今天,全世界有60多个国家制定了开放银行解决方案,有一系列的产品和服务、实施时间表和数据访问范围的规定。[3]中国人民银行在 2020年发布了《商业银行应用程序接口安全管理规范》,从技术角度为开放银行监管开启了第一步,但当前尚未出台相关法律法规以明确开放银行发展模式。中国内地银行业主要基于提升自身市场竞争力和获客能力的角度,在现有监管框架下,积极寻求生态合作伙伴,借助金融科技手段,将自身金融产品嵌入场景,拓宽业务渠道,对外输出金融服务能力。以2018年为始点,浦发银行、建设银行、平安银行、微众银行和新网银行纷纷推出开放银行平台,从平台建设、场景生态合作等方面积极探索开放银行服务模式。[4]

BIAN ( The Banking Industry Architecture Network) 是一个业界多方协作的非营利性组织,由全球领先银行、技术提供商、顾问和学者组成,定义了一个用以简化和标准化核心银行体系结构的银行技术框架。这一框架基于面向服务的架构 (SOA) 原则,银行可以借助 BIAN 参考模型建立起业务能力“积木块”,通过与现有系统进行映射和对接,理清应用之间的边界,从而达成面向服务的、松耦合的未来银行架构。从架构及技术角度看, BIAN 融汇了业界关于银行业务模型和技术体系的积累、结合 SOA 架构和微服务架构理念,基于业务能力、组件及服务而形成的银行应用之间互联互通的技术标准。[5]

BIAN 的业务能力

从业务架构的角度来看,BIAN 提供了两个重要的企业架构工件,一个是业务能力地图 Business Capability Map,一个是价值链 Value Chain。

BIAN 的业务能力地图一共分为三级,呈现了银行“能做什么”。银行可以此为参考,根据自身业务情况进行对齐和调整。BIAN 业务能力地图是一个多级嵌套结构,大部分可以到三级,部分能力细分到四级,能力划分的颗粒度比 BIZBOK 的金融参考模型要细得多。第一级是能力分类,包括:

  • 企业管理与控制 Enterprise Management and Controlling
  • 产品与服务支持 Product and Service Enabling
  • 企业支持 Enterprise Enabling
  • 银行运营 Bank Operations
  • 客户与销售 Customer and Sales

BIAN 业务能力地图 Level 1 ~ Level 2


BIAN 业务能力地图明细

BIAN 的业务能力地图构建方式与普通企业架构实践是有区别的。一般情况下,业务架构设计过程中会集中业务和分析师等人员,采用自上而下逐步分解的方式构建业务能力地图。而 BIAN 的业务能力地图,是由一系列已经构建完成的原子级能力,通过映射的方式汇总为业务能力地图。主要的目的是为了与业务架构进行对齐,以适配主流的业务架构分析方法。

服务域(BIAN 称为 Service Domain,俺称为原子能力)代表一组离散的、原子的(唯一/不重叠的)业务功能,它们构成了任何银行的功能构建块 (Functional Building Blocks),用于为解决方案的开发提供业务功能框架。服务域和业务能力为明显不同的目的而将业务区分开来。服务域是一种功能细分,旨在提供一个开发/部署框架。业务能力代表了不同的业务所拥有的能力,目的是制定和实施业务战略。[6]

BIAN 服务域可以被认为是 “对某物做某事的能力”,专注于对一个业务对象所执行的操作。BIAN 服务域是原子性的,这意味着 “代表了可以被服务化的最小实际能力或功能分区。” 换句话讲,一个服务域将封装适合(被封装到) IT 服务中的最小实际业务功能 Business Functionality 。在某些情况下,服务域直接(或几乎)与业务能力相一致;然而,由于服务域是面向功能的,它们通常与价值流 Value Stream 有关,或者更经常地与价值流阶段 Value Stream Stage(或其一部分)有关。

BIAN 的价值链

构建业务能力地图,比想象的要难。不信?可以尝试为自己所在公司创建一张业务能力地图:第一,你会在 What 和 How 之间做很长的思想斗争;第二,到底啥是你脑海中的某个业务能力,你想的这个真的是业务能力吗?第三,在深入到 3 级以下业务能力切分的时候,业务能力已经与任务开始混杂在一起了,不好定义。


BIAN 价值链(点击图片放大)

BIAN 的价值链并不是真正的价值链,因为价值链是要进行更下一步分解的,但是 BIAN 仅分解到第 2 层就戛然而止。BIAN 使用价值链视图的真正目的,是给银行另外一个看待原子业务能力的视角。注意下图中的第 3 级,已经不是呈现的活动的分解,而是服务域 Service Domain 这种原子能力。[7]

BIAN 价值链明细图(点击图片放大)

BIAN 到底是什么

经过多年积累,BIAN 为银行业务构建了一批原子业务能力,使银行在信息化建设的过程中可以利用 BIAN 的行业框架,依据自身实际情况进行调优后,便捷高效地实施数字化战略。BIAN 构建了便于业务侧理解的业务能力地图与价值链,将原子业务能力通过映射的方式与两个业务架构中的关键工件进行关联,从而实现银行的业务与 IT 对齐。原子能力便于组装的特性,极大地促进了业务侧的创新与调整;通过统一规范的接口,为银行铺就了一条互联互通的开放之路。


作为业务分析师,俺对业务流程分析有着天然的好感。学习 BIZBOK 后,知道业务能力地图很重要,但是它为什么重要呢?它到底决定了什么?以前没有业务能力地图,也一样把系统成功交付上线。凭什么学个业务架构,就非得去搞这个业务能力地图呢?


领域驱动设计 DDD,是一种自下而上的方式。同时需要业务人员、领域专家、业务分析师、开发、架构师等共同参与。两种方式设计的结果可能极其相近,但创建业务能力地图的效率会更高,更容易被理解,更容易被业务参与。




The End.


1. Wiki: Open Banking,

2. The World of Open Banking,

3. Open Banking Series: Market-Driven vs. Regulatory-Driven,

4. 中国开放银行白皮书2021-波士顿咨询公司与平安银行联合研究

5. BIAN (Banking Industry Architecture Network) —— Weaving the Value Net of Digital Banking Ecosystem,IBM,李纪华

6. Using Business Architecture in Conjunction with BIAN Service Domains to Drive Business Value, Business Architecture Guild, 2021

7. BIAN 2nd Edition, 2021

8. Microservices Patterns With Examples in Java, Chris Richardson, 2019